Welcome to the new site!

The old platform that Pet Rodents was running on had become old, tired, and largely broken.  Since the removal of the forum, the need for that particular platform was gone, and some of the components of it had stopped working as they should.

So, since I had to pour a significant amount of time into updating the website and plugging the ever-increasing number of holes that were manifesting themselves out of the ether, I decided to move to a spanky new platform that’s a breeze to maintain, and a whole lot more secure.  It should also load faster than ever before.

And, since I was going to all that trouble, I decided to make it look all shiny and new at the same time.

So, that about sums up everything.  If you find something that’s broken, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to get it fixed up quickly. Meanwhile, enjoy!!


Welcome to the new site! — 2 Comments

  1. I had to learn how to yank a hard drive out of a laptop and recover the data when I gave my first mug of coffee to my ‘puter. It died making sad little noises. My photos lost in this Forum can be restored from my files on the old laptop.

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